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Latest Update: Campus Placement drive has been scheduled on 18,20,21,22,23 March 2025 from 10 AM onwards for B.Sc in Animation and Multimedia and B.Sc in Interior designing for final year Batch and Companies are Renderpub, BDiapers,Deluxe Entertainment Distribution India(P) Ltd. Students got placed with the following top companies like Deluxe Entertainment Pvt Ltd,K12,Renderpub,Animation Galaxy..Heartiest Congratulations! To all our BSC Students for successfully completing their graduation.

Company Enquiry



To transform every individual into an expert by giving all the relevant training to get placed in the top international companies. To develop students' careers better by fostering freedom, knowledge, empowerment, creativity, and innovation.


To awaken the creative knowledge inside every individual. To emerge as a World-Class Educators in creating and disseminating knowledge and providing students a unique learning experience in Science, Technology, Management, and other areas of scholarship that will best serve the world and betterment humanity.


The placement department plays a vital role in providing job opportunities for all the students graduating from the college by bringing the reputed companies for the on-campus recruitment. The Department of IIFA's Placement & Training (IIFA's International Placement cell) helps each student explore placement opportunities throughout the course duration by providing regular Industrial and practical training to attend the campus interview professionally. The placement activity is wholly organized and appropriately managed throughout the placement stage process by the placement committee.

Over 100+ companies visit IIFA every year for recruitment. Some of the highest packages are offered by Flip kart - 21 LPA, Adobe Systems - 20.35 LPA, Amazon - 16 LPA, Zynga- 15.5 LPA, Accolite Software - 10 LPA. The average package is 3 - 4 LPA.

The placement Department provides complete support with the best arrangements to the recruiters, from conducting online tests to the final round of the Interview.

"The goal is to achieve the strongest placement results & highest levels of students and employers satisfaction - Shirley Rasberry."

Our International Recruiters


  • +91 9845632009,+91 9845006824
  • Landline No: 080-79653057, 080-23241999
  • +91 7411801064
  • ENQUIRIES: info@iifamultimedia.in
  • PLACEMENTS: placements@iifamultimedia.in
  • HUMAN RESOURCE: hr@iifamultimedia.in
  • #261,80 Feet Main Road,Srinivasa Nagar
  • 9th Main Corner,Bengaluru
  • Karnataka - 560050

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