Dear Student,
The world has become globally competitive in all spheres, especially in education. Science and Technology dominates every sphere of life. Earlier, man had to compete with fellow men to achieve in career and personal life. But in the present world, man has to compete with technology as well. The quality of education thus should empower mankind. Bharathiar University is progressing in the right direction towards enriching education, with the motto “EDUCATE TO ELEVATE”. Named after the visionary National poet, ‘MAHAKAVI BHARATHIAR’, the University strives hard to produce competent students, innovative and inventive researchers guided by scholastic experts and also inculcate human values so as to improve the quality of life in the employment and society.
This University excels in teaching and research endeavours on a par with international Universities. The curriculum is designed with the recent advances in the respective subjects with frequent updates to meet the challenges. Students of less financial privilege but with merit, are provided with free education. In addition to the fellowships and scholarships provided by UGC, our University encourages the researchers through fellowships. The University feels proud to state that it contributes to the industry by effective research outputs and applications. The industry shows keen interest in receiving scientific inputs from our University. Our University also promotes affiliated Colleges by providing the freedom to design courses and freedom to pursue research.
With uniquely drafted curriculum and exclusive training for competitive exams as well as placement training, the University also promotes employability. With elevated vision, the University is steadfast in taking the future generation to greater heights. The University has attracted quite a number of foreign students to its credit. With the serene eco-friendly atmosphere, the University stands as a shrine for students and researchers.
Being ranked among the top level institutions of the country, our University strives hard to attain greater heights, and in the process, shaping the future of the society as well as the country. The University aims at producing academic and research records of international standards. Analyzing the hurdles of the Indian students and researchers that prevent them from achieving patents, the University focuses on areas to increase the rate of patenting at the University level.
It is certain that in future, knowledge is the key to success. Our biggest challenge will be to deliver knowledge for developing core competency, fortified by communication and problem solving skills. To meet these challenges, we need to bring together Industries, Institutions, government, and other research institutions. This will help to ensure the relevance of our academic programmes and sustain the continued excellence of our teaching, learning and research.
As the tenth Vice Chancellor, my dream is to transform this University into a world renowned institution, excelling in research and innovations with the support of all the stakeholders.
Thank You,
Bharathiar University
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